Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dancing and Dachshunds

Today has been an exciting and emotional roller coaster kind of day. We started out checking out the local humane society and animal shelter for a buddy for the West Highland White Terrier we already have. We had no luck at the first place, but while we were looking at dogs at the shelter, we were almost done looking when they brought out a cute little black dog that sort of resembled a Dachshund. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but when we got closer we noticed that she very much resembled a Dachshund, and was in fact a Dachshund mix! She is only five months old, so she is still trainable and still has room to grow a little accustomed to having a brother! Ryan was just beside himself with her. I had not seen him truly show interest in a dog until we met her. I, on the other hand, love all dogs. But while playing with her for awhile we both fell in love with her goofy little run, and her ability to go from playing happily like a puppy so jumping into your lap and staying calm and relaxed.
After going through a little bit of red tape to get her, Ryan announced to me while I was with my friend Jicole, that the puppy was ours and we could pick her up tomorrow after she has been spayed! Never have I seen him so excited over a dog. :)

The rest of our eventful day was spent by me meeting up with Jicole to go check out a ballet class to see if we would be interested in enrolling in it. The first half of the class seemed simple enough. Everything they did seemed "doable" by someone "our age". And then.... there was the second half of the class. The part where whole sentences were made up of French; followed by multiple difficult moves that made our mouths hang open at the sheer thought of trying to attempt doing it.
So we made a decision to jump in with the Adult Ballet class that is a little more relaxed and not quite as overwhelming and difficult. :)

So overall it has turned out to be a pretty good day. :)

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