Saturday, April 16, 2011

Becoming a Coupon Queen

While enjoying a visit from my in-laws, I was having a conversation with Ryan's mom about couponing. I informed her that any time I have ever tried to use coupon's in the past, the store brand is always cheaper than the name brand item even with the coupon.
She was telling me that doing couponing that way will not save you money at all. If you coupon correctly, you can get a lot of items for a lot less than the originally price, if not free, and OCCASIONALLY even make money off and item. Although, some stores will not pay you the owed money, they will just leave your balance at zero. But STILL, ZERO dollars for a cart full of groceries is AWESOME!

Here are a few tips to help you in being a beginner couponer.
1)Go to AND/OR the
2)Read everything you can on the basics to becoming a couponer.
3)Don't try to become and EXTREME couponer to start with, start with ONE STORE to do all your couponing at.
4)Chose a store that seems more expensive the rest of the time, rather than a store that seems cheaper all of the time. (Publix, Kroger, Sweetbay, etc. are good choices.)
5)Get into the habit of picking up MORE THAN ONE paper with coupons, or coupon catalogue.

Feel free to join me on this new adventure! Also, don't hesitate to comment on any frustrations, or tips!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I have been wanting to try my hand at couponing, thanks for the info!
