Saturday, July 16, 2011

Shopping for Weight Gain

I did not realize how quickly clothes can become too small when you are growing a human being inside of you. It is a very depressing thought to need to go shopping for LARGER clothes because the ones you have are much too small. Normally, clothes shopping sounds like a great time of fun, but not today. Not when I have to move to a different section of the store, one in which I have not yet navigated...
Nevertheless, I am about to head out on a small scale shopping spree (VERY small scale) to purchase clothing that will help me not feel so much like the beached whale that I feel like.


  1. Just so you know, I have been missing reading your thoughts! :)

  2. Awww! I didn't realize you commented until just now. You are a dear. :) I have been getting the writing itch, so I may post more soon.
    Just so you know, I enjoy reading your blogs!
